1996 Gigography

Here is the list of concerts by Joseph Arthur in 1996 *.

1996-07-21 WOMAD Festival, Reading UK
1996-10-26 FNAC Montparnasse, Paris France
1996-11-08 Divan du Monde, Paris France
1996-11-15 Bataclan, Paris France
1996-11-17 La Laiterie, Strasbourg France 
1996-11-19 JET FM, Nantes France  
1996-12-02 Smiths Olde Bar, Atlanta, GA USA
1996-12-05 Mercury Lounge, New York, NY USA

If you own an audio / video recording and an "unavailable" concert, thank you kindly send me an email to whenyoucryyoureyesarehollow@gmail.com

* : Here is my source. You should check the amazing work of Xavier & his team !!
The complete JA Gigography is available here : http://lonelyastronauts.com/gigography.html

UPDATED 2018-04-15


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