POEMS : 2021
Put down the crutches
Pick up the hammer.
Goto work on yourself
And elevate beyond the illusion of neutrality
Did somebody get you?
Did somebody sneak past the holes of need in your armor
Did life disillusion you just enough
To be taken advantage of by a serpent
An agent of the devil?
Take it as a compliment
And drop the crutches you picked up along the way.
Pick up the hammer.
Are you drawing pictures in water
To resonate with wounds
And back stab dreams
Drawing in water
The pictures disappear in the waves
Just like the days
And then the years
But behind everything is a secret blessing
A pathway to plunge you into the depths
Beyond the faded pictures
Of your nightmares
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
Find yourself surrounded by the roots of forgiveness
And throw your heart into the sun
And rejoice
When faith is hard to come by
Allow it to push you deeper
And stop drawing pictures in water.
P.S. Go Browns!
That thing that happens
When you lose control
Stand up to fast
And get dizzy but it’s a state beyond dizzy
It’s a state in where you lose control
Where suddenly death is right next door
A whisper away
Because you almost black out and don’t think you can stand
But not quite
Cause you stay up and recalibrate and hit your equilibrium again
And at most
If someone’s around
You’ll say
I just got dizzy
Or I felt weird just now
Your Friend will say
Are you ok?
And you’ll say
Yeah I think so
Just got dizzy I guess?
and then you’ll go on with your day
And your life
And you’ll forget about that space.
That space of absolutely no control
Death’s sneak preview
Where something else takes over
And your identity sweeps across the ocean and into the wind.
And outer space is a cookie jar falling off the shelf
And humanity
Will just have to figure it out
Without you.
Living the dream?
Or living a nightmare trying to make it a dream?
Have you descended into obsolete and destructive patterns
As a result of dealing with the trauma of our world collapsing?
Fear is the engine of addiction
And that engine is revving up
Take a breath
Forgive yourself
Tomorrow is a new day
And the chaos of the world need not take you down with it.
At least not without a fight.
Keep swinging!
Beggars on the streets of mercy
Be the witness of your mind
And free yourself from its turmoil
Stop being a beggar on the streets of mercy
But the one he sees the movement from above
And knows you are not down there
With hands reaching out
In the functions of need
But rather the
love inside
Giving it all it’s motion.
You can’t hang out in your rage towards others
You can’t thrive in a cloud of resentment and division
The feeling of strength you get from judgement and condemnation is poisonous
And will turn on you like a snake in the dark
Love is the power and the source
And the force that will turn ghosts into flesh
And flesh into ghosts
Guide your heart to the light
And let the true strength of humility
Elevate you above fear and the darkness and death that rides with it.
Come with love or don’t come at all
Challenge yourself to rise above it all
There is infinite space beyond the threshold of gratitude
Clean the windows of your eyes and
Adjust your attitude
Unite for we are one
And until we understand that
We are lost.
The shadow dancers
We who live amongst beasts
We who have trouble loving ourselves
We who vandalize our dreams
And try to set wind on fire
We who beg to be understood
While never understanding ourselves
We who lose chances
In the chaos of second glances
We who dance with shadows
It takes the will of heroes
To overcome
When your blankets no longer keep you warm
When you sense the storm
And try to find balance on a high wire
Prayer the only privilege
For people like you and me
The shadow dancers.
Night shots messed up my night run
Try to remember your future
Try to sit in the lap of love and wish yourself goodnight.
All the dreamers
Creating our life
And we all the dreamers
Creating our light
We who have been whiplashed by violence
In the endlessly needing night
Try to remember your future
With ecstasy’s sight
Then say I love you
And wish yourself goodnight
Here’s to healing.
Here’s to coming together as one.
Here’s to freedom and opportunity for all.
One nation under the great I Am.
The thread of consciousness that is unchanging.
The part of us that is one and the same eternally.
Here’s to evolving into the next chapter without fear and all the hope we can muster.
God bless.
The Final Blossom
Strength is a heart that is full of trust
Faith is the anchor of power
Hope the blueprint of courage
Allow your mistakes
To center you in love immortal
And then eternity is yours
To make laughter
The final blossom
You are in the future
Or is it
No it’s
Man is a complex beast
The subconscious ocean
Full of demons and light
To gods dancing with snakes (that bite)
In the flames of shadows crashing
The layers of who we are
Crescendoing identities
The good and the bad
Playing hopscotch in the rain
Did you miss your train?
Or are you still trying to figure out which one to get on?
Some go backwards
Some don’t go at all
But if your spinning your wheels
And afraid to meet the conductor
Take comfort in knowing
You’re not alone.
Watching the market like...
Life has those holy shit moments
And those holy shift moments
Watching the markets tank
Head and shoulders patterns
And cities shaking
In the dust of collapsing numbers.
Sky lines on red charts
Breathing in the sigh of belief
Just like in the market (in life)
We need levels of support.
When the bulls turn to bears
And fight with the shadow people
(How many suffer this dream alone?)
Sometimes you sit back and watch the charts
Follow your nightmare into reality
But then you remember
It’s all an illusion
All in your head
The ghosted bulls running over the hill,
As the bears keep stacking
The chaos machines.
There’s nothing you can keep anyway.
It’s all just a reminder
To become the witness
And establish good credit
In the currency of the eternal
Hold your spirit
And never short on love.
Talk about occupy
Wall Street
The conspirators have a sense of humor
And lay cards down
Like clues in a game of
Oh mercy. Or chance. or bizarre tarot cards.
Game stop
Or stop the game. Is that an accident?
Classic movies
Stories from a time
You could buck the disparity of the system
Did that one sky rocket as well?
When’s the last time you busted out your blackberry? Lol.
The little guys snuffed in the pandemic
As Amazon sky rockets
It’s already unfair advantage
To the moon and beyond.
(No doubt that was just an accident)
Bed bath and beyond
Go to bed
Take a bath
We live in the beyond
Or a comic book
Penned by a demon with a wicked sense of humor.
Game stop.
Did they really get shut down for hate speech?
Or was that just a troll?
If you didn’t know better
You might think the super rich
Are getting shaky
With the world burning down, and
Anyway you look at it
Our entertainment dollars
Are paid for -
Then again maybe nothing is true
And everything is permitted
Silent in a bell jar
The loose coins are dancing.
Robinhood banning the trading of Reddit stocks (oh the irony) do they not know the nature of their namesake?
And an exodus into crypto.
Doge coin to the moon?
And how is removing stocks not manipulation?
The poor lost 3 and a half trillion
The rich made 4 over the the course of the pandemic so far.
The little guys trying to turn the tables
As Robinhood is turning in his grave.
Something remains untouched.
When’s things breakdown
There’s an opportunity for reinvention.
And maybe more than just an opportunity
But rather a calling
From the gutter to adjust
To stand out
To speak up more
Why stay silent in the playground of the absurd?
Your refuge is in the I Am
Your identity is an illusion
So it’s trials and tribulations are an illusion as well
When things breakdown
Something remains untouched
Go there.
The mind will resist
The shadows will call you a fool
But that eternal stride
That runs along side the same
buzz of consciousness...
Identify with that
Because there is where liberation
Hides like a thief who stole the keys to life.
You don’t need effort to be what you really are
What you need is to let go of effort
And rejoice like a Tramp with a bottle of mad dog
Bark at the moon
Take a rocket to your essence
And feel the waves of your freedom
Crash around the dream of who you thought you were.
Something remains untouched
Go there.
Cute money
Doge is more than a coin
More than a meme
More than crypto
Doge is a dream still accessible to all
With rocket blasters from Tony Stark
Listen to the livestreams
Of the people lined to watch its assent to a dime.
A cute community
Of people discovering
That they can reach into their futures
And pick flowers
Is the ultimate dance of forgiveness
Cause you have to keep forgiving
Yourself for fucking the whole
Thing up.
And embrace the fuck up
To allow the thing to go someplace deeper.
As in life
In painting
We are born
In the fuck ups.
Beware the merchants of shame
It’s born to isolate you
It’s born to keep you small and prevent your evolution
It doesn’t come from the most high
It comes from the fallen
Beware the merchants of shame
The porn industry
The food and drug industry
The entertainment programming
The news.
Beware the merchants of shame
Invested in your demoralization
For they can’t profit from your empowerment
They can’t trick you in that space
Beware the merchants of shame.
And turn your focus to the sun
To where you originate from
A place where you don’t ever need to run
Turn your focus to the sun
But the merchants of shame aren’t just those big Goliaths
They can also be a suggestion from friend
A question or a concern
When you finally break from old shackles
Whispers in the wind
Where you can here your name
Careful too
Of those merchants of shame.
Turn your focus to the sun
Not to the past
Or what you’ve done
In God’s eyes your forgiven if you ask
Careful of the ones
Who make fun of that task.
Beware of the merchants of shame.
Ice Constellations And Exploding Butterflies
Inside of you
Is an exploding butterfly
Caught on the high wind
Of ecstasy
In a dream you forgot to have
Back when you were a cowboy
Or cowgirl
In the days before Christ
Riding on a starship
From a civilization
More advanced than this one.
Building the simulation
On motorized dinosaurs
When every sky was red
And every night was purple and
We used to be born with wings
But those got clipped
In the time of the ice constellations
When the plane of our existence
Became more about survival
Than evolving our spirit.
So the butterfly went within
And built itself
A room for wings
In the house of your dreams.
In your chest a butterfly is exploding
Though it may be slow going
Inside there is an eternal knowing
That you are glowing
From a world beyond this one.
Destiny Over History
Destiny so much more than history
Focus on your destiny
Nevermind your history
Don’t let what you’ve been through
Define you
You are forgiven
You are redeemed
You are born new
Into every moment
As every moment
Is born new into you.
The accuser
The enemy
El Diablo
Wants you to stand accused
In a sea of regret
With a head full of
It’s too late
And a shame soaked heart
He wants you to believe
That that
Is a righteous way to feel
Down on yourself
Focusing on the blunders of the past
And believing
You can never overcome them
But none of that is true
For the price
Of confession
For the price
Of repentance
For the price
Of surrender
You are born a new
Into the fullness
Of this moment now
Into the reality
Of the here and now
A pure being
A pure joy in the eyes of God
A being of a unlimited potential
A being of light
A light in the darkness
A soldier in Gods army
Not defined by your mistakes
But rather built by them
To be humbled
To be fierce
To be grateful
That God himself
Died for your sins
That he thought the opportunity
Of your freedom
And your potential
Was worthy
Of that level of sacrifice.
That you are
That worthy
That you are
So worthy
That you are
So important
That you are
Totally redeemed
That you are
Completely forgiven
That you are
A star exploding
Into the future of salvation
Turning darkness into dust
And showing the world
The God you trust.
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